property law and obligations act

Property Law and Obligations Act: Our experience as practising Bulgarian Solicitors in that field of the law, gives us the confidence that we can resolve your legal case in Bulgaria. Understanding the need of our foreign clients in understandable legal services in Bulgaria our Bulgarian solicitors seek constantly to raise their language skills.

Property Law Services

  • All kinds of deals with real estates – sale and purchase, donation, exchange, deals for establishing of limited property rights, as long as all other types of property deals;
  • Check of real estate status and drafting of the required documentation;
  • Checks for liabilities put over real estates;
  • Drafting of Title Deeds, power of attorneys, certificates, notary invitations and providing of full legal assistance in front of the notary public;
  • Consultations and representation related to contracts and property cases; Drafting of contracts;
  • Litigation and legal representation before court in regards with protection of
    property rights;
  • Consultations under Condominium Law, representation during general meetings of condominium according to the COMA, drafting of protocols, invitations, notifications as long as all other documents related to preparing, organisation and holding of the General meetings according to the requirements of COMA. Drafting and providing consultations regarding maintenance and management contracts;
  • Representation during executive proceedings and cases.