Company Address

Company address

The importance of the company address is sometimes underestimated, however this is a very important matter, if you have a company.The company address is used for communication between the company and all government institutions, physical bodies and legal entities. When you have a company the address should be where is the main office of the company in order not to miss an important notification from the tax office (National Revenue Agency) or other authority.

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7 reasons why the companies has to submit a zero tax declarations

7 reasons why the companies has to submit a zero tax declarations

1. Because it is Legal to do it and because Filing returns provides official proof the company hasn’t had any activity during the financial year, as opposed to failed to file returns.
2. Legally, paying expenditures such as council tax, utilities, etc/ is also considered as a company activity. (Even if the expenditures amounts to under 500 lv per ...

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Land Mortgage and Constructions


Because of a case of our client and the following legal proceedings we decided that it will be useful us to provide an explanation on whether a mortgage placed over a land plot transfers over apartments built after placing of the mortgage.

Very often people are convinced that it is enough to check for lack of encumbrances ...

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Annual Property Tax


According to the Local Taxes and Fees Act /LTFA/ every person who owns a real estate property must pay ANNUAL TAX and FEE FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL. Their amount is calculated after submitting of a Declaration to the relevant Municipality by the owner of the real estate. The term for submitting of such a declaration is 2 months from the date of acquisition of the real estate. If this deadline is ...

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Property of a non-reregistered company

Property of a non-reregistered company

Because of the increased number of requests from clients-owners of non-reregistered companies received by our law office we decided that it would be a good idea to write an explanation about re-registration of companies.

After entering of the Commercial Law into force till 31 of December 2011 all companies already registered at the Commercial Departments of District Courts of the Republic of ...

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Replacement of a driving license with a bulgarian one

Replacement of a driving license issued in another country with a bulgarian driving license

The Bulgarian legislation allows replacement of the Certificate for driving of a vehicle /driving license/ issued outside Bulgaria and obtaining of a Bulgarian driving license under two regimes:


According to the European legislation a Driving license issued by an EU Member State is recognized ...

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Succession of a Company Shares of a Deceased Shareholder

Succession of company shares of a deceased shareholder

According to the Bulgarian legislation the relations between the shareholders are settled according to the Articles of Associations that were signed by the shareholders upon registration of the company, as cases that are not described at the Articles of association are regulated by the Bulgarian legislation, but namely by the Commercial Law.

The lack of the ...

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Deceased Foreigner with a Real Estate in Bulgaria

Deceased foreigner

with a real estate in Bulgaria 

Several months ago our law office was contacted by two young ladies from the UK who explained to us that their father died and as long as they know he bought an apartment at Sunny Beach couple of years before his death. They asked us to explain what they have to do know since they did not know. We took this case although we ...

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Issuance of multilingual extracts from civil status records birth certificates marriage certificates and death certificates

Issuance of multilingual extracts from civil status records (bith certificates, marriage certificates and death certificates)

Back in 1976 a group of countries signed the Vienna Convention on the issue of multilingual extracts from civil status. The idea of ​​this Convention, the parties signatory to issue statements /duplicates/ of birth, marriage and death, unless the language of the issuing country and the language of the country in which the document will serve. For example, in ...

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Purchase of agricultural land in Bulgaria

Purchase of Agricultural Land in Bulgaria – Question with many Answers and Ambiguities

During the last several years the question about the purchase of Bulgarian agricultural land is subject to huge interest, many discussions and interpretations. In order to answer the question we should examine what the actual legislation says and how it should be applied. It is an irrefutable fact that because of the accession of Bulgaria to European Union and the signing of negotiating chapter Free ...

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