tax financial and administrative law

Tax, Financial, Bank and Administrative Law – this area of the law is especially important for any successful business. A good planned tax and financial policy is required for the successful realization of a good business idea. We believe that it is the area where a good legal team work between the solicitors, accountants and auditors will bring possible best legal results for our clients and that is why we permanently invest in qualification of our Bulgarian solicitors. We evaluate and understand the needs of our clients to work in close cooperation with government authorities and that is why we provide constant assistance and legal help.

Tax, Financial, Bank and Administrative Law Services

  • Tax consultations, drafting of tax policies for protection from negative development of the investment activity of the traders according to the tax legislation;
  • Drafting of appeals against tax revision reports and acts;
  • Appeal against tax acts and penalty acts;
  • Representation and assistance in front of the government authorities and institutions;
  • Drafting of the documents in regards with the organization of administrative procedures, tender documents and documentations;
  • Assistance in regards with receiving of licenses by financial organizations;
  • Consultations regarding bank and insurance contracts;
  • Consultations and drafting of the contracts related to mortgage and consumer credits;
  • Substantive and procedural representation in font of government and court authorities.